One Woman's

Personal Experience

In Aesthetic Realism ... And Beyond.

Keep scrolling to read more about my experience in Aesthetic Realism.


Have you ever wondered how on earth people get drawn into a cult, be it religious, political, philosophical, self-transformational, or another type?

Does it boggle your mind that followers don’t see what is glaringly obvious to you – that they’re being lured down the wrong path?


Well, read on, dear friend. The fact is, for all of us who search for meaning, long for community, seek answers to personal issues, or hope to save our nation and/or the world – whatever our quest, there’s one thing for certain: There are countless high-demand groups, coercive-control organizations, and full-on cults out there – disguising themselves as something else – tentacles ready, waiting for us!


I know because I became ensnared by one of them. It was Aesthetic Realism, founded by Eli Siegel. 


But I am proof that no matter how long or how deeply a person remains involved in such a group, we can still find our way to freedom and to a better life in the end.


With love, 


Honoring Black History Month: Reexamining My Use of the Words “Black” and“White”

As we celebrate African American history and culture this month, I want to tell you why I needed to reexamine my conscious and unconscious perception and use of the words “black” and “white.” Growing up in highly segregated Kansas City, Missouri during the 1950s and ‘60s, from my earliest years I was indoctrinated with the implicit and explicit meaning attached to these two words as put forth by this country’s White dominant society.

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